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Get reel productions can digitalise your policy and procedure manual.

Lets face it, if youre not a policy and procedures person the document is an arduous read and as a result tends to be skimmed rather than absorbed in any detail.


That is of course until something goes wrong.


Most staff will only absorb information as it is relevant to them.

So while the policy and procedure manul is perhaps the most important document your company owns it is often under utilised simply because of the format.


We can change that!


Get reel productions can bring your policy and Procedure manual into the 21st Century with a video/movie version.


We do this by :


* Researching your manual and consulting with you

* Building a storyboard to ensure the video flows

* Having people reanact the policy

* Using an engaging narrator to voice parts of the manual

* Powerpoint clips and graphics

* Jazzy the whole thing up with effects, titles and corporate music.

* Unlimited DVD copies to distribute to staff


Pricing starts at $4500

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